Forouzan and R. Gilberg, Third Edition, Cengage Learning. Hanly and E. Koffman, Fifth Edition, Pearson education. Padmanabham, Third Edition, B.
The C Programming Language, B. Kernighan and Dennis M. C for Engineers and Scientists, H. Cheng, Mc. Tanenbaum, Y. Langsam, and M. Balagurusamy, TMH. Average rating 4. Vote count: No votes so far! The book excels in providing a clear and thorough presentation of the theory and applications of engineering mechanics and empowers students to succeed by drawing upon Prof.
The solutions to these problems require little or no calculation and are intended to help students develop a basic understanding of the Concepts before they are applied numerically. In Particular, special sections and examples are devoted to show how to draw free-body diagrams. Homework problems have also been added to develop this practice.
Some of these problems come from actual products used in the industry. These showcase the applications of mechanics in many different fields of engineering. Engineering Mechanics written by R C Hibbeler detailed in the below table…. Step-1 : Read the Book Name and author Name thoroughly. Step-4 : Click the Download link provided below to save your material in your local drive. LearnEngineering team try to Helping the students and others who cannot afford buying books is our aim.