I switched off the iCloud Drive and reinstalled from the Applestore the app which was still showing the cloud icon. It worked because it showed the latest update instead of the old one which had not changed when the app opened. I did this and it fixed everything. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group.
Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Apple store apps won't download but have a iCloud symbol Ask Question. Asked 5 years, 7 months ago. Active 4 years, 1 month ago. Viewed k times. Improve this question. Kinglightskinned Kinglightskinned 21 1 1 gold badge 1 1 silver badge 2 2 bronze badges.
What happens if you tap on the cloud symbol? Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Hopefully, it will start downloading! For me this solved the problem. Improve this answer. Once the iPhone hard reboot is complete, try downloading messages from iCloud to see if the problem has been taken care of. Running an outdated iOS version tends to disrupt how apps and services operate on your device.
If you keep running into problems every time you try downloading messages from iCloud, check to see if your iPhone is running on the latest firmware. If you are still struggling with downloading messages from iCloud even after updating iOS, you should assume the problem runs deeper, and resetting the network settings on your iPhone may set things right.
A network settings reset will not affect the data linked to your iPhone, but you will lose all the WiFi, Bluetooth, and any other wireless connections.
You can set them up once the process is complete. So why is your iPhone stuck on downloading messages from iCloud? The following are some of the possible causes for this. Check out more smartphones. An iCloud backup is important as that's how your iPhone can store and access messages at any time. When this process starts experiencing malfunctioning, you will not be able to download messages from iCloud.
Visit the nearest Apple store to get your device checked if none of the solutions here work. Darrel Bryant. There's no two ways about it — I am a huge nerd and I love it! When I'm not testing out new gadgets, I'm pulling apart the ones that I do have at home to find out what makes them tick. Not a lot of them get put back together, but I have become a pro at telling the good gadgets from the bad! How To Fix iPhone Charger?
Learn what to do if you can't open the App Store. In the App Store, try to update the app manually. You might need to have a payment method on file, even if the app that you want to download is free. See what payment method you have on file and make sure that it isn't expired, declined, or failed.
Contact Apple Support for assistance. From the Home Screen, touch and hold the app. From the menu that appears, choose Prioritize Download. Restart your iPhone or restart your iPad.