You must clean the brush by blowing air on it and sweeping it across a vellum-like surface to charge the bristles before each sweep on the sensor glass. You can also use the brush to clean the area around the sensor as dust can settle there and then get attracted back onto the sensor glass.
Make sure to always blow the bristles free of dust using a bulb blower before storing it within its container. If there is a smudge or dust that won't go away, try a sensor wipe or micro fiber lens cleaning cloth to gently wipe the smudge away. Just like the brush, keep these items clean and dispose of sensor wipes after each use.
If you reuse them, they will build up residue which will end up back on the sensor glass. For very stubborn smudges, you might want to wrap a dry sensor wipe around a long swab for better control. If that doesn't work, a drop of Eclipse lens cleaning solution on the wipe will do the trick. A sensor wipe folded into a point with a drop of Eclipse on the tip can help very concentrated spots as well.
When inspecting the sensor or filter, be sure there is plenty of light pointed at the surface to see what you are doing. Tech Tips. Lenses gather a lot of dust as well, which can also wreak havoc on your images. Always keep the rear and front elements protected with their lens caps.
There are many products out there safe for cleaning lenses, Here at Vision Research we find that a micro fiber cloth with one drop of Eclipse or Pan-cro solution on the cloth works at the fastest with the best results.
A Senor and Lens Care Kit can be purchased in our online store. We offer hands-on training for Phantom cameras at our Wayne, New Jersey facility. The two-day class has both lecture and labs for the best learning experience. This class is targeted at applications where the cameras will be used for scientific and engineering applications.
A schedule of classes can be found here. For customers outside of North America, who prefer local training, most of our International Sales Partners offer training courses tailored to your needs. If your application is TV or Motion Picture production, consider training courses targeted at those applications from Abel Cine Tech , or other Phantom resellers around the world who focus on the "entertainment" market.
There sure is! Visit our camera comparison page. All of our digital high speed cameras are listed on one page. A log can go a long way in determining what's going on inside the camera and the performance of the controller. To create a log, perform the following steps:. If the control unit does not detect the camera, re-check the settings of the control unit.
It's easy. If you are using PCC, power up your camera and connect it to your controller and launch the Application. For legacy software: Power up your camera and connect it to your controller and launch the Phantom application. The following screen will show up. If you get any messages about updating or copying STG files at this point, just dismiss them 3 Minimize the Phantom software do not close 4 With the software and camera running, go into Windows Explorer and locate the existing STG.
If you cannot locate the CD, please contact Technical Support at support visionresearch. What's happening is the firewall is protecting the controller from the camera. To alleviate this problem, the firewall needs to be disabled. In order to do this, you may need administrator privileges. Go to the control panel and locate Windows Firewall and double click on it. In the pop-up window verify the firewall is set to off.
There are several steps in troubleshooting this problem. Here is the procedure if your camera is of the firewire variety please contact tech support: 1. In the C:Windowssystem32cmd. Click Enter. If properly installed the camera should reply to the Ping Request.
If the Phantom Control Unit fails to detect the camera: 1 Unplug the Cat-5 cable from the Network Phantom Control Unit computer, and ensure the proper cable type is being used.
Click the Properties button. For example: Controller Unit 1: Click OK to complete the setup If the above steps do not resolve the issue, please contact technical support at support visionresearch. Here is how you do it:. STG file. The cine file will provide the most of the information about the camera so we can diagnose your problem.
When contacting Technical Support, you should have the following information:. The Phantom Camera sensor is made up of thousands of pixels whose sensitivity can drift due to changes in resolution, exposure, time and temperature.
A Current Session Reference calibrates all the pixels that will be used for a given set of camera parameters. It is usually good practice to perform a CSR anytime a change is made in camera settings or lighting.
This ensures that the camera sensor will deliver the best possible picture available. Depending on the model of camera, either 1GB or 4GB of non-volatile memory is always present and is used only to store the camera's operating system, sensor calibration data, and set-up parameters i. However, these steps alone are insufficient to ensure a "secure" erase.
But, this is not a "secure" erase. We plan to provide a command or utility to do a secure erase in the future. So if the magazine reports that its full capacity is available for recording this is an indication that the previous erase command has been completed. We test our cameras' light sensitivity to an industry standard: ISO We use the SAT method which we think is the best method for determining a sensor's sensitivity.
The SAT method does not use gain to boost sensitivity. When using gain to increase sensitivity, you also boost the noise level. A gain adjustment to boost sensitivity is available on all Phantom cameras using image processing tools, if increased noise can be tolerated. We do not manufacturer such equipment, however, there are several manufacturer's of underwater housings for all types of camera equipment. Prevco is a subsea engineering consultancy and manufacturer specializing in submersible pressure vessels, instrumentation housings, junction boxes, vent plugs, pressure relief valves and other accessories to meet all your underwater equipment needs for the Phantom line of digital high speed video cameras.
If you supply underwater housings or know of another supplier, please let us know so we can add to this list. We recommend you blow off the camera using forced or compressed air and a damp cloth.
Be very gentle. For cleaning sensors we recommend using a brush-based cleaning solution or forced air do not blow on the sensor or use canned air. We offer a sensor cleaning kit in our online store.
Sensor cleaning is a hot topic for digital camera users - Phantom and otherwise - and there are definite techniques on tackling it. Depending on your lighting situation, a tiny speck of dust on your sensor can lead to a big ugly spot on your images, which is a shame because it is usually avoidable.
The No. Use the Sensor Sweep brush, link below , as it attracts the particles to the bristles. Make sure to always blow the bristles free of dust before storing it within its container. Compressed air is OK as a quick solution, but always test the spray first away from the sensor to make sure none of the fluid comes out. Use short bursts and hold the can upright. A better solution would be to use a blower that recycles air to force the dust off of and from around the sensor.
If there is a smudge or dust that won't go away, try a micro fiber lens cleaning cloth to gently wipe the smudge away. Just like the brush, keep the cloth clean, if you reuse them, they can build up residue, which will end up back on the sensor glass. For very stubborn smudges, you might want to wrap the micro fiber cloth or a piece of lens tissue around a pencil eraser or long swab for better control.
If that doesn't work, a drop or spray of lens cleaning solution on the cloth will do the trick.. Lens tissue folded into a point with a drop of lens solution can help very concentrated spots as well. There are many products out there safe for cleaning lenses, Here at Vision Research, we find that a micro fiber cloth with one spray of Eclipse or Pan-cro solution on the cloth works at the fastest with the best results.
Each slo-mo Phantom camera comes with a fixed amount of very high-speed dynamic RAM. When the camera is in the pre-trigger mode you've pressed "Capture" in the user interface , the camera is continuously recording images into that memory.
When it gets to the end of memory, it cycles back to the beginning and continues recording. This behavior is called "circular buffer recording". The slow motion camera is always "live". What you end up actually saving in memory is a function of how you've set up your trigger. You can set it up such that only frames that occur after the trigger are saved, so any images already in memory are overwritten and you record an event after the trigger until memory is full. If you set the trigger to stop the recording and save all frames up to the time of the trigger, the camera will simply stop recording upon the trigger and all the frames in memory before the trigger will be saved.
Yes you can! Surf your way over to the Documents page of our Support section. Scroll down the page until you find the Discontinued Products selection. The datasheets are in model numbered order. Our new Remote Control Unit has Bluetooth r wireless remote capabilities. Depending upon your camera model, you will need to outfit it with a Break-out-Box that has Bluetooth capability, or use a Bluetooth "dongle" directly on the remote port of the camera.
Then, a Bluetooth-enable RCU can be used to remotely control the camera. Engineering, Scientific, Industrial Applications USA only -- Vision Research rents several of our Phantom high-speed video cameras for industrial, scientific and engineering applications. The cameras are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Our high speed rentals come complete with a controller laptop , cables, and a lens. There is a 2 day minimum on all camera rentals. Please contact rentals visionresearch.
Our American offices only rent to companies with addresses within the US and Canada. Check out our network of worldwide rental partners. The minimum rental period for most of our cameras is two days, and there is no maximum rental duration. We do discount rentals that are one month or longer.
The controller is needed to setup and control the camera as well as download and save cine files. You can choose a lens from our wide selection. We will also include a Northstar light, upon request. The first difference is the increase in memory. These enhancements are designed to make capturing, accessing, and managing your critical data much easier.
To minimize noise and maximize image quality on any digital high-speed camera, it is important to control the sensor temperature. By keeping the sensor at a fixed temperature, you will get better, more repeatable images.
For many years, Vision Research has used thermo-electric TE coolers based on the Peltier effect to control sensor temperature. The sensor die is attached to the TE cooler and by monitoring the temperature of the sensor, the camera can supply more or less power to the TE cooler to adjust the temperature. This technology is used on the v, v, v and v However, these cameras run so fast, that additional cooling technology is employed. On these cameras the sensor die is attached to the TE cooler, which in turn is bonded to a copper heat sink which has heat pipes attached.
The heat pipes carry excess heat away from the sensor area toward the sides of the camera where heat is removed using dual fans. The heat pipe is a copper tube that is filled with a liquid under low pressure. One end of the heat pipe is bonded to the source of heat, in this case the copper heat sink. The other side is bonded to a heat sink which is fan cooled.
Liquid in the heat pipe moves toward the source of heat through capillary action. When it gets to the hot side of the pipe, it will turn to vapor and circulate back to the cool side where it gives up heat and turns back into liquid. The process then repeats. When optimized, this allows for cine downloads at speeds more than 5X faster than the standard Gb Ethernet interface.
Be sure the latest Intel drivers are installed, and the appropriate network address is assigned to it For example, IP The customer must supply the appropriate cable. A CAT6 cable is limited to 50m. In fact, there is a viewfinder port on the camera that will supply video and power to a viewfinder or monitor. There is a pin Amphenol connector on the back of the camera that is called the Capture Connector. The connector has the following available signals:.
All v, v, v and v cameras ship with a standard Capture Cable that connects to the Capture Connector and provides access to:. No, you must use the W power supply shipped with the camera. Spares and replacement power supplies are available online from Vision Research. Instead, the camera powered up any time an appropriate DC voltage appeared on the power input to the camera.
This was done so that cameras can be powered up booted remotely by providing primary power and did not require physical access to the camera. However, there is a physical power switch on the v, v, v and v However, if there is a loss of primary power, then the Battery Backup power will be used to maintain camera operation and protect any stored data.
When the switch is in the OFF position, the camera is off. When the switch is moved to the ON position, the camera will power-up immediately provided there is power connected to the Primary DC Power port OR the Battery Backup port on the camera. This is your primary source of power for the camera. You can optionally connect a backup source of power—often a battery—to the backup battery power input.
If the camera power switch is set to AUTO, and if there is a loss of power on the primary input, even momentarily, the backup power will immediately take over - providing uninterrupted power to the camera. Connecting power to the battery backup port will not turn on the camera. There is no drain from the connected battery unless a loss of primary power causes the power input to switch to the battery backup.
If primary power is restored, that again becomes the power source for the camera and the battery port reverts to a backup mode. The GPS port on the Phantom v, v, v and v can be used to provide date, time and location information from the GPS satellite network. The GPS connection supplies 5 volts at 0. Communication with the device is at baud over the NEMA standard protocol which is very common.
The GPS position is recorded in the Cine header file. Connection diagram is available. All of the Phantom Ultra High-Speed Cameras v, v, v and v are equipped standard with 10GB Ethernet and can be equipped with the unique CineMag interface, precisely for fast downloading. A full resolution frame is 1 Mpx, so you can save about frames each second to a CineMag.
Or, another way to state this is you can save about 1. Once a shot is saved to the CineMag it is safely stored and available for later retrieval. This means you immediately can use the camera for another shot.
Images stored on a CineMag are available for later retrieval using the Phantom Camera Control PCC software with the CineMag mounted on either the camera or the offline docking station known as a CineStation, and may be downloaded either through the camera or the CineStation, using their 10Gb Ethernet ports.
Yes it will. You can connect through the remote port on the camera either with a "Remote" cable or Bluetooth dongle. If you connect using the remote port on the camera then you will also have to connect to one of the HD-SDI outputs of the camera to see video on the RCU. There is no danger. First, there is actually very little liquid in the heat pipe. And, it is under very low pressure.
So, while the liquid might freeze, it will not damage the heat pipe. Soon after powering the camera, the liquid will thaw. With this file you will receive CFA Level 2 comprehensive summary notes covering all the modules. CFA admission is done on the basis of a merit list that would be prepared based on the candidates' score in graduation and work experience. For the first time, level 1 weights are given in ranges, which impacts your level 1 exam greatly. Paperback Added to basket. CFA Level 1. These are however available for candidates that have paid for the exam.
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Please share with your networks. For further information email: php hee. Public health during Covid 19 Registrars in Yorkshire and the Humber rise to the challenge HEE supports the development of public health specialists across England through the Schools of Public Health, which is why we thought we would share information on the vital role registrars in public health in Yorkshire and the Humber have played during the Covid pandemic. Below are a couple of stories from registrars on the frontline in the region.
What has changed? What is special about being a registrar? What has your work involved since then? It has been varied, but largely falls into three categories: Acute Response Centre ARC duties: Contributing to the day-to-day running of the acute response function and delivery of the regional PHE health protection service daytime and on-call shifts.
Development of national guidance: I lead the development of internal national PHE guidance to aid the risk assessment and identification of contacts of confirmed Covid cases. Additional out-of-hours shifts: Along with all other public health registrars currently on the on-call rota, I am picking up additional shifts as the health protection team moves to surge capacity.
How do you think life will change for registrars because of coronavirus? Key areas of work include: The pandemic has had a disproportionate effect on disadvantaged communities and has highlighted the widening inequalities that exist in our society.